Outreach Canada Blog

Serving Leaders. Making Disciples.

Diaspora in Canada
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Love your Muslim Neighbours this Ramadan: Ways to Pray and Engage
Jesus exhorts us to love our neighbour as ourselves. Are you looking for opportunities to pray for and engage wit...
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Love your Muslim Neighbours this Ramadan: Ways to Pray and Engage
Jesus exhorts us to love our neighbour as ourselves. Are you looking for opportunities to pray for and engage with the ...
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From Airport to Cemetery: How to Live Successfully in Our Adopted Homeland
I used to say, "A suitcase is the greatest equalizer of immigrants." We all arrived in Canada with only ...
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From Airport to Cemetery: How to Live Successfully in Our Adopted Homeland
I used to say, "A suitcase is the greatest equalizer of immigrants." We all arrived in Canada with only two su...
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A Church Story: Living in Deep Community as Disciples of Jesus
At Outreach Canada, we love to share stories, and today we are excited to share this story from a church in Canad...
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A Church Story: Living in Deep Community as Disciples of Jesus
At Outreach Canada, we love to share stories, and today we are excited to share this story from a church in Canada: Sou...
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5 Prayer Points for Lunar New Year
Every year, an estimated 2 billion people around the world celebrate Lunar New Year, which marks the beginning of...
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5 Prayer Points for Lunar New Year
Every year, an estimated 2 billion people around the world celebrate Lunar New Year, which marks the beginning of the n...

Lunar New Year: How Should Christians Celebrate

How should faith impact our celebrations of Lunar New Year as followers of Jesus? Alfred Chui expands on the meaning & traditions of Lunar New Year and offers perspective on how followers of Jesus should respond…

Lunar New Year: How Should Christians Celebrate

How should faith impact our celebrations of Lunar New Year as followers of Jesus? Alfred Chui expands on the meaning & traditions of Lunar New Year and offers perspective on how followers of Jesus should respond…

10 Ways to Pray for Diaspora in Canada

Diaspora are those people who have dispersed or spread from their original homeland. By that definition, most of us living in Canada are diaspora, but the term is generally used to describe recent migrants, their children, and grandchildren.

People migrate to Canada willingly (for a better future) or unwillingly (to escape calamity). They may have come from a country where there are more churches and Christians than we have in Canada, or they may come from a place where they would never have met a Christian or heard about Jesus Christ.

The diaspora story in Canada is complex and full of opportunity; so let’s pray!

10 Ways to Pray for Diaspora in Canada

Diaspora are those people who have dispersed or spread from their original homeland. By that definition, most of us living in Canada are diaspora, but the term is generally used to describe recent migrants, their children, and grandchildren.

People migrate to Canada willingly (for a better future) or unwillingly (to escape calamity). They may have come from a country where there are more churches and Christians than we have in Canada, or they may come from a place where they would never have met a Christian or heard about Jesus Christ.

The diaspora story in Canada is complex and full of opportunity; so let’s pray!

The Journey of Discovery

I don’t like to run. My experience of running is that I’m short of breath, sweaty & hot, and there’s a voice in my head telling me to STOP!!!!

This past year, while praying for Muslims in Canada during Ramadan, an image popped into my mind, (a not-infrequent experience when I’m praying).

The image was of a person running along a road that stretched into the distance. They were running in a long-distance race that was called ‘Journey of Discovery’. Actually, there were quite a few runners, but they each were running alone.

I noticed that at some points in the race there were people cheering the runners on, encouraging them and spurring them to keep going. At other points in the race there were refreshment stations where the runners could receive nourishment for the next leg of the race. Sometimes people would run alongside the racers, keeping pace with them, encouraging them to keep running.

Some runners kept running strong. Some runners who were faltering were encouraged by the cheering, and the nourishment, and the companionship they received. Some runners slowed to a walk. Some stopped altogether and left the race...

The Journey of Discovery

I don’t like to run. My experience of running is that I’m short of breath, sweaty & hot, and there’s a voice in my head telling me to STOP!!!!

This past year, while praying for Muslims in Canada during Ramadan, an image popped into my mind, (a not-infrequent experience when I’m praying).

The image was of a person running along a road that stretched into the distance. They were running in a long-distance race that was called ‘Journey of Discovery’. Actually, there were quite a few runners, but they each were running alone.

I noticed that at some points in the race there were people cheering the runners on, encouraging them and spurring them to keep going. At other points in the race there were refreshment stations where the runners could receive nourishment for the next leg of the race. Sometimes people would run alongside the racers, keeping pace with them, encouraging them to keep running.

Some runners kept running strong. Some runners who were faltering were encouraged by the cheering, and the nourishment, and the companionship they received. Some runners slowed to a walk. Some stopped altogether and left the race...

Caring for Wounded Hearts

The LORD is close to the brokenhearted; he rescues those whose spirits are crushed. -Psalm 34:18 (NLT)

Mental Health. Trauma-Informed. PTSD. Healing.

We’ve heard these words a lot lately – from diverse sectors of society across our country, and in relation to both Canadians and newcomers. As we think about what is going on around the world, here in this country, in our countries of origin, and the experiences we, and family members, bring with us when we settle here in Canada: How then, should we respond? As the church. As fellow neighbours. As friends reaching out. In our diaspora churches and ministries.

This article expands on the topics of heart wounds, trauma, and our response as Christians. It also offers next steps --- pointing to opportunities to experience healing groups and/or to be trained as a Trauma Healing facilitator...

Caring for Wounded Hearts

The LORD is close to the brokenhearted; he rescues those whose spirits are crushed. -Psalm 34:18 (NLT)

Mental Health. Trauma-Informed. PTSD. Healing.

We’ve heard these words a lot lately – from diverse sectors of society across our country, and in relation to both Canadians and newcomers. As we think about what is going on around the world, here in this country, in our countries of origin, and the experiences we, and family members, bring with us when we settle here in Canada: How then, should we respond? As the church. As fellow neighbours. As friends reaching out. In our diaspora churches and ministries.

This article expands on the topics of heart wounds, trauma, and our response as Christians. It also offers next steps --- pointing to opportunities to experience healing groups and/or to be trained as a Trauma Healing facilitator...

My Dream: Humble Spaces of Connection

I had a dream recently. I could be wrong, but I think it was a dream from God with a message for me. And maybe it’s a message for you too.

Someone was promoting the idea of a coffee shop space. It was a small room—almost set up and ready to go, but not quite—there was some more work yet to be done to make it a welcoming and inviting space. Though it did already have some bookshelves, some decor, and a few comfy sofas chairs. For the colors, you need to imagine a typical Latin American street scene, where even humble spaces can be lit up by eclectic assortments of paint colors.

My Dream: Humble Spaces of Connection

I had a dream recently. I could be wrong, but I think it was a dream from God with a message for me. And maybe it’s a message for you too.

Someone was promoting the idea of a coffee shop space. It was a small room—almost set up and ready to go, but not quite—there was some more work yet to be done to make it a welcoming and inviting space. Though it did already have some bookshelves, some decor, and a few comfy sofas chairs. For the colors, you need to imagine a typical Latin American street scene, where even humble spaces can be lit up by eclectic assortments of paint colors.

Rachael's Story

A story from a Muslim Background Believer and a church who prayed for the mosque in their community. 

Imagine getting this email:

“My name is Rachael*. I am a born-again Christian of 2 years. I actually used to be a Shia Muslim. I attended the mosque on your street for many years of my life. The Lord pulled me out of the darkness of my former life as a Muslim and brought me into His loving light ...

I recently heard that your church prays specifically for salvation over people at the mosque. Is this true? If so, I’m not sure how long your church has been doing this, but I wanted to email you as an encouragement to you and your congregation to let you know that the Lord has heard your prayers and is AT work in this Muslim community...

Rachael's Story

A story from a Muslim Background Believer and a church who prayed for the mosque in their community. 

Imagine getting this email:

“My name is Rachael*. I am a born-again Christian of 2 years. I actually used to be a Shia Muslim. I attended the mosque on your street for many years of my life. The Lord pulled me out of the darkness of my former life as a Muslim and brought me into His loving light ...

I recently heard that your church prays specifically for salvation over people at the mosque. Is this true? If so, I’m not sure how long your church has been doing this, but I wanted to email you as an encouragement to you and your congregation to let you know that the Lord has heard your prayers and is AT work in this Muslim community...